Wanted: Urban Environmental Leaders, Educators & Change-Makers!

Antioch University Seattle is seeking individuals and like-mission organizations to work in advancing a more diverse workforce of environmental educators and leaders prepared to work in urban places.
Students - The Urban Environmental Education M.A.Ed. program at Antioch University Seattle (UEE) works in partnership with IslandWood to offer a robust environmental leadership program focusing on urban places and the diverse perspectives and assets that shape them. The UEE program looks deeply at the social, economic, political and environmental forces that shape city environments and is seeking candidates to form a a diverse cohort of graduate students who will work hard to understand the dynamics of race and equity, diversity and inclusion in relation to environmental issues. Stepping into the places where most
of us live means unearthing the impact of social justice issues on environmental quality and is essential to understanding how and why cities work the way that they do.
Applications for the 2018-19 Seattle-based program are now open. Check out their website for details and stories from their students: https://islandwood.org/graduate-programs/urban-environmental-education-m...
Partner Organizations - Antioch University is also seeking partner organizations in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, etc. to expand this graduate program and EE diversity workforce initiative across the nation. Can you help and join this dynamic effort?
Learn more about this partnership opportunity and further graduate program details by joining the online conversation with Cindy Thomashow, Co-Director of the Urban Environmental Education Program. She will be answering questions and sharing successes of the graduate program starting Monday, February 12 until Monday, February 19, 2018, on the eePro discussion board below. Please take advantage of her insights and expertise next week, and consider joining this movement!