WEBINARS – Recorded and upcoming live

If you missed the webinar “Behavior Change: Evaluating & Improving Our Impact” by Amielle DeWan, you can watch the recording here. Register for NAAEE’s next webinar in the series to be held on September 19 at 3:00 ET. "Presentations for Impact" with Dennis Poplin, Senior Vice President of Spitfire Strategies. Dennis will use his wealth of experience in building organizational and personal strategic communications skills to help us all make a bigger impact in our presentations and strategic storytelling. NAAEE asks that you help keep the webinar series going by providing your feedback in this brief survey.
Working with Rural Landowners on Voluntary Conservation. Coordinated by Water Words that Work and the Chesapeake Land and Water Initiative.
Date: September 18, 2018, Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
How do they do it? Working effectively with rural landowners on conservation practices is one of the Chesapeake watershed’s most in-demand skills. Ever wonder what makes the best-of-the-best so successful? We asked them. Through survey and focus group results, this project provides new insights to help staff at soil conservation districts, land trusts, and other agency and NGO partners build and refine their outreach skills.
Register here.
Women Owning Woodlands: Think like a facilitator – Designing programs that engage women woodland owners. Coordinated by the Sustaining Family Forests Initiative.
Katy Thostenson (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources) and Alanna Koshollek (Aldo Leopold Foundation) discussed their facilitation insights and evaluation results from two Woodland Stewardship for Women workshops, and also share results from a pilot Facebook advertising campaign targeting women woodland owners.
Listen to this webinar here.
Panel discussion regarding different social and behavior change concepts (social marketing, design thinking and behavioral economics)
Date: October 4, 2018, Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
The next webinar in the series, presented by the Partnership for Food Safety Education in conjunction with the Social Marketing Association of North America, will be a panel discussion highlighting the similarities and differences between social marketing, design thinking, and behavioral economics. Recordings of the first three webinars about each of these frameworks can be found here.
Register here.
Waste Reduction – The Forgotten R
Date: November 15, 2018, Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
This webinar will highlight recent waste reduction research and intervention results from New Dream. New Dream’s mission, as a national non-profit organization, is to empower individuals, communities and organizations to transform their consumption habits to improve well-being for people and the planet. The framework New Dream is using to change behavior is social marketing. Social marketing is rooted in psychology, uses commercial marketing for societal goals and the key features are segmented audiences, research into citizen barriers and social science strategies to overcome the barriers. The goal of this project was to motivate individuals to shift some purchases from material gifts to experiential gifts during the winter holidays, thus increasing time spent with friends and family and in the out-of-doors leading to a boost in long-term happiness and overall well-being, along with supporting the environment by decreasing consumption.
Register here.