Welcome to International EE!

When I sat down to write this blog, I immediately got tongue (or laptop) tied. Here Anne and I are, co-moderating a group that is dedicated to… EE around the world! It’s a bit intimidating, to say the least. And this intimidation comes from a great place—it’s because we both recognize the incredible work that’s happening around the world in EE. There is simply so much to talk about, and share, and we want to create a group that does just that!
Anne and I are so happy to be serving as co-moderators of this group, and we can’t wait to get to know each of you along the way. NAAEE may be headquartered in the U.S., but as you are all well aware, some of the most innovative environmental education work is happening in other countries.
NAAEE’s work focuses primarily in North America, but it’s always been supportive of, and involved in, EE work happening in other continents. To that end, NAAEE collaborates with organizations in countries like Australia, China, Japan, India, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the United Arab Emirates. In addition, NAAEE’s signature international collaboration is the Global Environmental Education Partnership (or GEEP): www.thegeep.org. The GEEP (pronounced jeep) was launched by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, and NAAEE in 2014. The GEEP’s mission is to build capacity and create a vibrant learning network in countries who are looking to strengthen their environmental education efforts. This focus aligns closely with NAAEE’s mission, and the goal in the coming year is to leverage both to elevate the impact of environmental education beyond North America. To date, 18 countries have participated in the GEEP and counting.
In addition, the EECapacity program, led by the U.S. EPA, Cornell University, and NAAEE, is currently leading a MOOC called Environmental Education: Trans-disciplinary Approaches to Addressing Wicked Problems. With more than 130 countries represented and 3,272 participants, this course has built an unprecedented network of environmental educators around the globe. And although registration is currently closed, the EECapacity team will be posting materials on eePRO and we’ll be sure to share them with you. And, the course might also be offered again down the road, so stay tuned!
These are just two snapshots, but during the year, we’ll be updating you with resources, opportunities, and discussions. To truly have a thriving group, please aim to visit here often, think about others who may want to join, and start posting resources and opportunities from your neck of the world!
We can’t wait to get to know each of you, and learn more together about the incredible EE work happening around the world!