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Nyah Sadler

Kirsten Williams

Lucy Gertz

Owen Chaidez

Jamin Bray

Sharonica Hardin-Bartley

Megan Warner

Lee Ann Woolery

Citizen Artist is a participatory science research platform employing Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE) research methodologies,  transdisciplinary field-based research methods grounded in multimodal knowledge systems, sensory based learning and framed within ecological and biological principles and offer underrepresented populations an opportunity to get involved in science.



Rebecca Bralek

Jenna Linhart

My heart's drawn to wild things & places and a passion for helping people increase their scientific literacy, connection with nature and civil engagement. I value interdisciplinary and creative approaches that leverage people's existing knowledge and interests to meet the env challenges of our time

Kelly Grindstaff

Vicky Garufi

Director of Education

Dean Frias

SarahJeanne Shimer

Krista Hiser

Jeremy Mombourquette

Samuel Trusty

Alberto Arenas

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Environmental Education

Noah Herscher

Jennifer Kollerup

Alison Rellinger

Carly Pierson

Kate Giannini

Michelle Simpson