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Marsha Colbert

Sabrina Suluai-Mahuka

For the past decade, I've served American Samoa as a high school teacher and have worked with the University of Hawaii at Manoa for over seven years. I am the Founder for Finafinau, which is a nonprofit that promotes youth leadership for environmental advocacy and climate justice.

Joanne Whitney

Holly Krakow

Miranda Frederick

Dinesh Kumar

John Leo Algo

With the belief that education is foundation on which we build the road to sustainable development, I advocate for environmental education through different capacities, as a policy campaigner and lobbyist, citizen journalist, environment researcher, and science communicator.

Melissa Tobias

Heather Cyrus

Amanda Segura

Melissa Thompson

Wendy Warren

Margaret Crosby

I have been a high school science teacher since 2009. I became a science teacher in hopes of inspiring students to take better care of the world around us.

Raj Fadadu

Medical student at UCSF who is interested in environmental health education related to the health impacts of climate change and air pollution-related health risks. I also conduct environmental health research on air pollution and skin diseases and epigenetics.

Julie Vanetten

Michael Dodoh

Taimoor Siddiqui

Michelle Ferrara Peterson

Jessica Fleming

Nat Nabass

Beverly Gingg

papy kwete-muana

Kristina Johnson

Shelby Stimson