Beth Foley
Adam Smith
I am an 8th grade science teacher, trying to get students interested in science. As a kid I loved the ouside world and always wanted to be a scientist or zoo keeper. I did not know all of the different jobs that there were out there for a nature lover and moved on to different options after high school. After working 10 years in a non educational job, I made the switch to teaching and feel as though I have truly found my calling. I am trying to get students interested in nature and show them all of the different options that they have if they choose to make a career in the outdoors.
Larson Ankeny
Riley Moore
Kitgak Simon
Rachel Bringewatt
Rachel Jackson
Derek Scott
Derek Scott’s decade in leadership roles coupled with 12 years of experience in environmental education makes him an asset to the Pocono Environmental Education Center’s day to day operations. In addition to being a passionate mission driven leader, he oversees all departments and operations at PEEC, including: education, dining services, facility care and maintenance, and custodial departments. Derek serves as the primary host for school groups and guests to assure consistency and quality experiences to connect with nature during their visit. He embraces best practices and safety for all programs and activities including staff training and development.